Israel study guide 6 days war:

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http://www .jewishvir tuallibrar rce/Histor y/67_War.h tml

http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/S ix-Day_War


Israel: Before the War
Michael Kareff

I. Israel was guaranteed passage through the Gulf of Aqaba after 1956

A. Eilat

a. Grew into important, strategic seaport

b. Opened window to Asia and Africa

i. Oil could come from Iran (before Iranian Revolution) as opposed to freaking Venezuela

II. Development of Negev Desert

A. Irrigation

a. Diversified Israeli economy

i. Critical for continuing to support a growing Israeli population

1. Irrigation used to cultivate the Negev (and other parts of Israel)

ii. Also essential to industrialization

III. Immigration

A. From North Africa, Iron Curtain Countries, etc…

a. Contributed to the influx of Sephardim in Israel

i. Later caused political, social, economic and cultural repercussions

B. Essential in the diversification of the economy

a. Brought new talents

b. Provided labor
IV. International Relations

A. New Allies
a. Germany

i. Significantly stimulated the economy by paying reperations

ii. Sold weapons to Israel

B. New Enemies

a. France – Not exactly enemy

i. Began to distance themselves from Isreal

1. Wanted to increase influence\respect with Arab countries

2. Charles de Gaulle stopped weapons from flowing into Israel

V. The Effects of Rapid Expansion

A. Mid 1960’s

i. Economy in Trouble

a. Growing trade defecit, inflation

b. Rising unemployment

ii. Country in Trouble

a. Syrian and Jordanian Guerilla raidsAfter the war-

The Six-Day War 1967: Israel

I. Military Strategy

A. On June 5, 1967, Israeli planes destroyed most of Egypt’s air force on the ground (beginning of The Six-Day War)

B. Israel’s air power and the cohesiveness of its citizen army were significant factors in Israel’s military success

a. Israel conquered the Old City of Jerusalem and the entire West Bank

b. Israel captured Golan Heights (The Six-Day War ended on June 10, 1967)

II. Politics

A. Israel asked King Hussein (Jordan) to stay out of the war

a. Egypt misled the Jordanians by telling them Egypt’s fight against Israel was successful on the southern front

i. Jordanians attacked Israel but were defeated by the Israelis who secured the Old City of Jerusalem and the West Bank (attack gave Israel an excuse to take the city)
b. Israel defeated Syria who had been attacking Israel’s settlements

ii. Israeli army captured the Golan Heights and the war ended on June 10, 1967 (six days later)

o      Fighting in middle east ceased after Israel finally observed the UN ceasefire and halted their advance into Syria

o      Israel united holy city of Jerusalem for 1st time sine 1948

o      Israeli  prime minister Levi Eshkol justified pre-empitve stricke on Egypt and battles with Jordanian and Syrian forces by claiming “self defense”

o      Nasser remained in office  and stated “I will give the nation everything  have, even my life itself” the people rejoiced


o      Isreal devestaed the arabs

§       Casualties-

ú       11,000 egyptians

ú       6,000 jordanians

ú       1000 syrians

ú       700 israelies

§              Nov. 22

ú       UN passed resolution 242

Called Israel to withdraw from the Occupied Territories

In return arab states would recignize israel’s independence and guarantee secure boarders for Israel.

§       More diplomatic deadweight was made in the united nations security council.

§       After some negotiations the international community agreed on several principals that would e the basis of some peace in the middle east.

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